# tsmmonitor - IBM TSM (Tivoli Storage Manager) monitoring script
# Homepage: http://thobias.org/tsm
# Author  : Thobias Salazar Trevisan (thobias at thobias.org)
# Changelog (DD/MM/YYYY):
# 07/11/2012 - version 2.2
#              added support for TSM 6 for db and log checks
#              dbbkp - replaced sed by egrep. AIX sed does not have OR oper
# 11/04/2009 - version 2.1
#              added falseprivate check
#              fixed bug drmvol
# 28/11/2008 - version 2.0
#              the source code was rewritten.
#              there were changes on the command line options, so version 2.0
# 15/06/2007 - first version
# =============
#   This script is developed to provide an easy, customizable and effective
#   way to monitor TSM Servers.
#   It is composed of functions to check specific TSM resources.
#   Each check returns the resource status. The available status for a
#   resource are:
#         Ok / Warning / Critical
#   The status returned is based on defined thresholds for each check.
#   For example, the function to check the TSM Database utilization:
#        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db -h
#        check tsm database utilization
#        The default percentages are:
#           warning..: 85
#           critical.: 90
#        Usage..: tsmmonitor db [options] [warning] [critical]
#                 -v6     check database utilization for TSM version 6
#        Usage..: tsmmonitor db [warning] [critical]
#        Example: tsmmonitor db
#                 tsmmonitor db 80 95
#                 tsmmonitor db -v6 80 90
#   The status returned from db check depends on the warning and critical
#   threshold values. These values can be customized using command line
#   arguments:
#        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db
#        db: database utilization 81%, OK
#        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db 80 90
#        db: database utilization 81%, Warning
#        prompt> ./tsmmonitor db 60 80
#        db: database utilization 81%, Critical
#   Some nice features:
#     * Supports multiples tsm servers (servername)
#     * Can be used transparently as a nagios plugin
#     * Alert notification mechanism (by e-mail)
#     * Customizable threshold values for ok/warning/critical status in command line
#     * Bourne shell (sh) compliance
#     * Easy to add news checks
#   This script should work fine under most *NIX variants. It has been tested
#   successfully under many Linux and AIX (4.3, 5.2 and 5.3). If you have any
#   problem, please let me know.
# Nagios
# ======
#   TSMmonitor can be used transparently as nagios plugin. Nagios plugins
#   are based on check return code:
#     0 - normal
#     1 - warning
#     2 - critical
#     3 - unknown
#   These are the same return codes used by tsmmonitor.
# TSMmonitor Help
# ===============
#   $ ./tsmmonitor -h
#   Usage: tsmmonitor [options] [check] [options_check]
#   These are global options. They can be used in all checks.
#   -u, --user          tsm user to connect to the tsm server
#   -p, --pass          tsm user password to connect to the tsm server
#   -s, --servername    specify tsm servername
#   -m, --mail          mail addresses separated by blank space
#   -q, --quiet         quiet mode, suppress all output (except errors)
#   -S, --source        print the check source code
#   -h, --help          print this help information and exit
#   -V, --version       print program version and exit
#   The following checks are available:
#   help, db, log, scratch, drive, path, dbfrag, unav, stgpool, volerr,
#   volreclaim, tapeslib, tapesown, tapesstgpool, dbbkp, numsess, numnodes,
#   nodeslocked, diskvol, dbvol, searchanr, drmvol, lic
#   Try 'tsmmonitor <check> --help' for more information.
#   Example:
#       tsmmonitor db --help
#       tsmmonitor db
#       tsmmonitor db -v6
#       tsmmonitor -m='user1@somewhere.com user2@somewhere.com' db
#       tsmmonitor --servername=tsmsrv01 db
#       tsmmonitor --servername=tsmsrv02 db 85 95
#       tsmmonitor -u=user1 -p=xxx -s=tsmsrv02 db 85 95
# Check Example
# =============
#   Here is an example of using this script to check tsm db utilization:
#     prompt> ./tsmmonitor db -h
#     check tsm database utilization
#     The default percentages are:
#        warning..: 85
#        critical.: 90
#     Usage..: tsmmonitor db [warning] [critical]
#     Example: tsmmonitor db
#              tsmmonitor db 80 95
#     prompt> ./tsmmonitor -u=user1 -p=my_pass -s=tsmsrv02 db
#     db - tsmserver tsmsrv02: database utilization 81%, OK
#     prompt> echo $?
#     0
#     prompt> ./tsmmonitor -u=user1 -p=my_pass -s=tsmsrv02 db 80 90
#     db - tsmserver tsmsrv02: database utilization 81%, Warning
#     prompt> echo $?
#     1
#     prompt> ./tsmmonitor -u=user1 -p=my_pass -s=tsmsrv02 db 60 80
#     db - tsmserver tsmsrv02: database utilization 81%, Critical
#     prompt> echo $?
#     2
#                       Configuration Area
#                       ==================

########## tsm server information #
# dsmadmc command path

# tsm user

# tsm user password

# dsm error log
#export DSM_LOG

########## send notification #
# at every time that a check changes the status,
# an alert (notification) will be sent by mail. default is off
# e-mails which will receive the notifications. mail addresses are separated
# by blank space. ex: MAILTO='xxx@yyy.zzz aaa@bbb.zzz ppp@qqq.lll'
# temp directory where tsmmonitor will record check status.
# it is necessary to send mail when the check status changes
########## other flags #
DEBUG=0             # do not edit here, please use --debug
COLOR_DEBUG=1       # show debug messages in colors?
QUIET=0             # do not edit here, please use --quiet
SHOW_CHECK_SOURCE=0 # do not edit here, please use --source

########## program information #

########## default check threshold                                  #
########## used to determine the check status (ok/warning/critical) #
##########                                                          #
########## These values can be changed through command line options #
########## prompt> tsmmonitor <check> --help                        #
# check: database utilization
# check: log utilization
# check: scratch tape number
# check: number of paths not online
# check: number of drives not online
# check tsm database fragmantation
# check: number of unavailable volumes
# check: storage pool utilization
# check: number of volumes with error
# check: number of volumes with pct reclaim greather than XX
# check: number of tapes in the library
# check: number of tapes with a specific owner
# check: number of tapes in a specific storage pool
# check: number of tsm db backup in the last 24 hours
# check:  number of nodes session
# check: number of nodes locked
# check: number of nodes
# check: search for an specific ANR in actlog
# Check: number of disk volumes without readwrite access
# Check: number of drm volumes with state different from mountable
# Check: number of database volumes not synchronized
# Check: number of log volumes not synchronized
# Check number of schedules not completed
# check for false private tapes


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #### This section has some functions. These are for internal use only
# #### not for users
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Mini tools
_tsmmonitor_tool ()
    case "$1" in
        program_help )
            cat - <<-END 
                Usage: tsmmonitor [options] [check] [options_check]


                -u, --user          tsm user to connect to the tsm server
                -p, --pass          tsm user password to connect to the tsm server
                -s, --servername    specify tsm servername
                -m, --mail          mail addresses separated by blank space
                -q, --quiet         quiet mode, suppress all output (except errors)
                -S, --source        print the check source code
                -h, --help          print this help information and exit
                -V, --version       print program version and exit

                The following checks are available:

                $(_tsmmonitor_tool list_checks)

                Try 'tsmmonitor <check> --help' for more information.

                    tsmmonitor db --help
                    tsmmonitor db
                    tsmmonitor db -v6
                    tsmmonitor -m='user1@somewhere.com user2@somewhere.com' db
                    tsmmonitor --servername=tsmsrv01 db
                    tsmmonitor --servername=tsmsrv02 db 85 95
                    tsmmonitor -u=user1 -p=xxx -s=tsmsrv02 db 85 95

        program_version )
            echo "tsmmonitor version $VERSION <$URL>"
        # show available checks
        list_checks )
                # sed does the magic reading from the source code to
                # get the available check list
                cat $0 |
                    sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z]\{1,\}\) ()/\1/p' |
                    sed ':a
                        s/\n/, /
                        t a'
        # test if the parameters are numbers
        is_number )
                shift # $1 = tool name (is_number)
                for i in $*
                    echo "$i" | grep -qs '^[0-9]\{1,\}$' || return 1
        # send mail, print the tsmmonitor output and exit with the right return code
        myecho )
                local retcode="0"
                local check="$2"

                [ "$SERVERNAME" ] && SERVERNAME=" tsmserver ${SERVERNAME#*=}:"

                # Send e-mail is enabled?!
                [ "$SEND_ALERT" = "1" ] && _SendAlert "$check:$SERVERNAME" $*
                # print the check output
                [ "$QUIET" = "0" ] && echo "$check -$SERVERNAME $*"

                # Return code depend on check output
                # ok       = return code 0
                # warning  = return code 1
                # critical = return code 2
                echo "$*" | grep -iqs ',  *critical' && retcode=2
                echo "$*" | grep -iqs ',  *warning'  && retcode=1

                _Debug "tsmmonitor return code: $retcode"

                # exit with correct return code
                exit "$retcode"
        # Connect to tsm server and execute the sql statement
        run_select )
                local temp_output
                local check="$2"
                local sql="$3"

                # Connect to tsm server and run the select statement
                temp_output=$($TSM_CMD "$sql")

                # test if dsmamdc was executed without error
                if [ "$?" = "0" -o "$?" = "11" ]
                    _Debug "$temp_output" > /dev/tty
                    # Check the tsm command return code
                    _tsmmonitor_tool check_retcode $check "$temp_output"
                    echo "$temp_output"
                    _Debug "$temp_output" > /dev/tty
                    echo "Error executing the command dsmadmc" > /dev/tty
                    echo "$temp_output"
                    exit 3
        # check if the tsm command ran without errors
        check_retcode )
                local retcode
                local check=$2
                # search the tsm command return code
                retcode=$(echo "$1" |
                    sed -n 's/.*ighest return code was *\([0-9]*\)\./\1/p')

                # Return code zero
                [ "$retcode" = "0" ] && return
                # Known return code different from 0 that it's not an error
                [ "$retcode" = "11" -a "$check" = "req" ] && return
                [ "$retcode" = "11" -a "$check" = "numnodes" ] && return
                [ "$retcode" = "11" -a "$check" = "unav" ] && return
                [ "$retcode" = "11" -a "$check" = "volerr" ] && return
                [ "$retcode" = "11" -a "$check" = "diskvol" ] && return

                # if we get here, there was a error at tsm command execution

                # print the error
                echo "Check $check error: return code $retcode"

                _Debug "$(echo "$1" | egrep '^AN')"

                [ "$SEND_ALERT" = "1" ] && _SendAlert $check unknown "error"
                # Nagios return code: unknown error
                exit 3
        # print the check (function) source code
        mysource )
                sed -n "/^$2 \(\)/,/^} *$/p" $0
        # there is no default tool

# debug function
_Debug ()
    # return if debug is disabled
    [ "$DEBUG" != "1" ] && return

    local prefix="---- DEBUG"

    if [ "$COLOR_DEBUG" = "1" ] 
        # INFO: some OS, like AIX there is no echo -e option
        # so, maybe you may have to remove it
        echo -e "\033[32;1m $prefix $* \033[m"
        echo "$prefix $*"

# show the functions help
_ShowHelp ()
    local help critical warning
    # the help is the comments above the function (check) code
    # this sed gets those lines
    # $2 = check
    help=$(sed -n "/^$/{
                /^$2 ()/{
                H" $0 |
            sed -n '/^# --/d
                    s/^# \{0,1\}//p')

    # get the variable name that have the critical threshold for the check
    critical=$(echo "$help" |
                sed -n 's/.*critical\.: *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p')

    # get the variable name that have the warning threshold for the check
    warning=$(echo "$help" |
                sed -n 's/.*warning\.\.: *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p')
    # this "ugly" code gets the value (threshold) stored in the variable name
    # so, the help (tsmmonitor check --help) shows the default threshold that
    # is defined in the source code and not the variable name
    echo "$help" |
        sed "s/: *${critical:-@@@}/: $(eval echo \$$critical)/
            s/: *${warning:-@@@}/: $(eval echo \$$warning)/"

# if necessary, send an alert (only when there is a check status change)
# $1 - check name
# $* - notification message
_SendAlert ()
    local logfile oldstatus i
    local check="$1"
    local newstatus=$(echo "$*" |
        sed 's/^[^,]*, *\(OK\)\{0,1\}\(Warning\)\{0,1\}\(Critical\)\{0,1\}.*/\1\2\3/')

    _Debug "Log file: $logfile"

    # is It the first time?
    [ -f "$logfile" ] || echo OK > $logfile # is It the first time?
    # Get the current status
    # Debug
    _Debug "oldstatus = $oldstatus, newstatus = $newstatus"

    if [ "$oldstatus" != "$newstatus" ]
        # save new status
        echo "$newstatus" > "$logfile" # save new status
        # do not send OK alert to sched check. this do not make sense?!
        [ "$check" = "sched:" -a "$newstatus" = "OK" ] && return

        _Debug "Sending notification to $MAILTO"

        # Send e-mails
        for i in $MAILTO
            echo "check $check $*" |
                mail -s "tsmmonitor: check $check $newstatus" "$i"


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #### yeah tsm checks.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# show all checks help
# Usage..: tsmmonitor help
# Example: tsmmonitor help
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
help ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 help; return; }

    local check

    # for each check, execute tsmmonitor check --help
    for check in $(sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z]*\) ().*/\1/p' $0)
        echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------'
        $0 $check --help | sed '1d;$d'

    echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check tsm database utilization
# The default percentages are:
#    warning..: DB_WARNING
#    critical.: DB_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor db [options] [warning] [critical]
#   -v6 check database utilization for TSM version 6
# Example: tsmmonitor db
#          tsmmonitor db 80 95
#          tsmmonitor db -v6 80 90
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
db ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 db; return; }

    local tsm_output pct_utl
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT pct_utilized FROM db"

    # options parser
    case $1 in
        -v6 )
            sql="SELECT CAST(SUM(100-(free_space_mb*100) / tot_file_system_mb) \

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor db: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select db "$sql")" || exit 3

    pct_utl="$(echo "$tsm_output" |
                sed -n 's/^\([0-9]\{1,\}\)[,.]*[0-9]*$/\1/p')"

    # find out the current check status (ok/warning/critical)
    [ "$pct_utl" -ge "${1:-$DB_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$pct_utl" -ge "${2:-$DB_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho db "database utilization $pct_utl%, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check tsm recovery log utilization
# The default percentages are:
#    warning..: LOG_WARNING
#    critical.: LOG_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor log [options] [warning] [critical]
#   -v6 check active log utilization for TSM version 6
# Example: tsmmonitor log
#          tsmmonitor log 80 95
#          tsmmonitor log -v6 70 80
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
log ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 log; return; }

    local tsm_output pct_utl
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT pct_utilized FROM log"

    # options parser
    case $1 in
        -v6 )
            sql="SELECT CAST(SUM(used_space_mb *100 / total_space_MB) AS \

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor log: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select log "$sql")" || exit 3

    pct_utl="$(echo "$tsm_output" |
                sed -n 's/^\([0-9]\{1,\}\)[,.]*[0-9]*$/\1/p')"

    [ "$pct_utl" -ge "${1:-$LOG_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$pct_utl" -ge "${2:-$LOG_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho log "log utilization $pct_utl%, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of scratch tapes
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: SC_WARNING
#    critical.: SC_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor scratch [options] [warning] [critical]
#  -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check for scratch in the library only
# Example: tsmmonitor scratch
#          tsmmonitor scratch 8 4
#          tsmmonitor scratch -l=LTOLIB3 8 4
#          tsmmonitor scratch -l=LTOLIB3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
scratch ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 scratch; return; }

    local tsm_output num_scratch library
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM libvolumes WHERE status='Scratch'"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -l=* | --library=* )
                # library is specified, so change the sql statement
                sql="$sql AND library_name='$library'"
                library="in library $library "

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor scratch: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select scratch "$sql")" || exit 3
    num_scratch=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^ *[0-9]/p')

    [ "$num_scratch" -le "${1:-$SC_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_scratch" -le "${2:-$SC_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho scratch "number of scratch tapes $library$num_scratch, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of drives not online
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: DRIVE_WARNING
#    critical.: DRIVE_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor drive [options] [warning] [critical]
#  -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check in the specific library only
# Example: tsmmonitor drive
#          tsmmonitor drive 2 3
#          tsmmonitor drive -l=LTOLIB3 1 2
#          tsmmonitor drive -l=LTOLIB3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
drive ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 drive; return; }

    local tsm_output num_drives library
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM drives WHERE NOT online='YES'"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -l=* | --library=* )
            sql="$sql AND library_name='$library'"
            library="in library $library "

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor drive: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select drive "$sql")" || exit 3

    num_drives=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^ *[0-9]/p')

    [ "$num_drives" -ge "${1:-$DRIVE_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_drives" -ge "${2:-$DRIVE_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho drive "number of drives not online $library$num_drives, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of paths not online
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: PATH_WARNING
#    critical.: PATH_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor path [options] [warning] [critical]
# -s, --source=SOURCE_NAME   check path with a specific source name
# Example: tsmmonitor path
#          tsmmonitor path 2 4
#          tsmmonitor path -s=LANFREE1 1 4
#          tsmmonitor path -s=LANFREE1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
path ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 path; return; }

    local tsm_output num_paths source
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM paths WHERE NOT online='YES'"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -s=* | --source=* )
            sql="$sql AND source_name='$source'"
            source="with source name $source "

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor path: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3
    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select path "$sql")" || exit 3

    num_paths=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^ *[0-9]/p')

    [ "$num_paths" -ge "${1:-$PATH_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_paths" -ge "${2:-$PATH_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho path "number of paths not online $source$num_paths, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check tsm database fragmentation
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: DBFRAG_WARNING
#    critical.: DBFRAG_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor dbfrag [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor dbfrag
#          tsmmonitor dbfrag 50 75
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dbfrag ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 dbfrag; return; }

    local tsm_output pct
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT CAST((100 - (CAST(MAX_REDUCTION_MB AS FLOAT) * 256 ) /

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor dbfrag: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select dbfrag "$sql")" || exit 3

    pct=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9-]/s/[.,].*//p')

    [ "$pct" -ge "${1:-$DBFRAG_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$pct" -ge "${2:-$DBFRAG_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho dbfrag "database fragmentation $pct%, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of unavailable volumes
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: UNAV_WARNING
#    critical.: UNAV_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor unav [options] [warning] [critical]
# -d, --deviceclass=DEVICE_CLASS   check only in a specific device class
# Example: tsmmonitor unav
#          tsmmonitor unav 2 4
#          tsmmonitor unav -d=LTOCLASS 2 4
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
unav ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 unav; return; }

    local tsm_output num_vol devclass
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM volumes WHERE access='UNAVAILABLE'"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -d=* | --deviceclass=* )
            sql="$sql AND devclass_name='$devclass'"
            devclass="in device class $devclass "

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor unav: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select unav "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of unavailable volumes
    num_vol=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p') 

    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${1:-$UNAV_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${2:-$UNAV_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho unav "number of unavailable volumes $devclass$num_vol, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check a storage pool utilization
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: STGPOOL_WARNING
#    critical.: STGPOOL_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor stgpool <storage_pool_name> [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor stgpool DISK_POOL
#          tsmmonitor stgpool DISK_POOL 50 75
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stgpool ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 stgpool; return; }

    local tsm_output pct_utl
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT pct_utilized FROM stgpools WHERE stgpool_name='$1'"

    # The user must specify the storage pool
    if [ ! "$1" ]
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor stgpool: You must specify a storage pool name."
        exit 3

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$2" "$3"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor stgpool: invalid option -- '$2' or '$3'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select stgpool "$sql")" || exit 3

    pct_utl=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9]/s/[.,].*//p')

    [ "$pct_utl" -ge "${2:-$STGPOOL_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$pct_utl" -ge "${3:-$STGPOOL_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho stgpool "utilization of storage pool $1 $pct_utl%, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check for volumes with write error and/or read error
# Default, search for volumes with write or read errors
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: VOLERR_WARNING
#    critical.: VOLERR_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor volerr [options] [warning] [critical]
#    -r, --read                   test only read errors
#    -w, --write                  test only write errors
#    -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check only volumes in the library
# Example: tsmmonitor volerr
#          tsmmonitor volerr -r
#          tsmmonitor volerr 3 5
#          tsmmonitor volerr -l=LTOLIB
#          tsmmonitor volerr -l=LTOLIB 3 5
#          tsmmonitor volerr -w -l=LTOLIB 3 5
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
volerr ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 volerr; return; }
    local tsm_output num_vol library
    local status="OK"
    local sql_vol_err='( WRITE_ERRORS>0 OR READ_ERRORS>0 )'
    local sql_lib='volume_name IN ( SELECT volume_name FROM libvolumes WHERE library_name='
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM volumes WHERE"

    # parsing options
    while [ "$1" ]
        case "$1" in
            -r | --read        ) sql_vol_err='READ_ERRORS>0'  ;;
            -w | --write       ) sql_vol_err='WRITE_ERRORS>0' ;;
            -l=* | --library=* ) library="${1#*=}"            ;;
            *                  ) break                        ;;

    # define the correct sql statement
    if [ "$library" ]
        sql="$sql $sql_vol_err AND $sql_lib'$library' )"
        library="in library $library "
        sql="$sql $sql_vol_err"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor volerr: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select volerr "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of volumes
    num_vol=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    # check the status
    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${1:-$VOLERR_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${2:-$VOLERR_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho volerr "number of volumes ${library}with error $num_vol, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check for volumes with percentage reclaimable space greater than
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: VOLRECL_WARNING
#    critical.: VOLRECL_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor volreclaim [options] [warning] [critical]
#    -r, --reclaim=PCT_RECLAIM    pct reclaimable space (default: 80 pct)
#    -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check only volumes in the library
#    -s, --stgpool=STGPOOL_NAME   check only volumes in the storage pool
#    -V, --verbose                list the volumes found
# Example: tsmmonitor volreclaim
#          tsmmonitor volreclaim -r
#          tsmmonitor volreclaim 3 5
#          tsmmonitor volreclaim -l=LTOLIB
#          tsmmonitor volreclaim -l=LTOLIB 3 5
#          tsmmonitor volreclaim -w -l=LTOLIB 3 5
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
volreclaim ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 volreclaim; return; }
    local tsm_output num_vol library stgpool verbose
    local pct_reclaim='80'
    local status="OK"
    local sql_lib='volume_name IN ( SELECT volume_name FROM libvolumes WHERE library_name='
    local sql_list="volume_name,stgpool_name,pct_reclaim,status"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM volumes WHERE"

    # parsing options
    while [ "$1" ]
        case "$1" in
            -r=* | --reclaim=* ) pct_reclaim="${1#*=}" ;;
            -l=* | --library=* ) library="${1#*=}"     ;;
            -s=* | --stgpool=* ) stgpool="${1#*=}"     ;;
            -V   | --verbose   ) verbose="1"           ;;
            *                  ) break                 ;;
    sql="$sql pct_reclaim>$pct_reclaim"

    # stgpool was specified
    if [ "$stgpool" ]
        sql="$sql AND stgpool_name='$stgpool'"
        stgpool="in stgpool $stgpool "

    # library was specified
    if [ "$library" ]
        sql="$sql AND $sql_lib'$library' )"
        library="in library $library "

    # test the pct of reclaim
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$pct_reclaim"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor volreclaim: invalid percentage -- '$pct_reclaim'"
        exit 3

    # test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor volreclaim: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select volreclaim "$sql")" || exit 3

    # number of volumes
    num_vol=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    # check the status
    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${1:-$VOLRECL_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${2:-$VOLRECL_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    if [ "$verbose" = "1" ]
        sql=$(echo $sql | sed "s/count(\*)/$sql_list/")
        _tsmmonitor_tool run_select volreclaim "$sql" |
            sed -n '/ANS8000I/,/ANS8002I/p'
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho volreclaim \
    "number of volumes pct.reclaim>$pct_reclaim $stgpool$library$num_vol, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check how many tapes are in the library
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: TAPESLIB_WARNING
#    critical.: TAPESLIB_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor tapeslib [options] [warning] [critical]
#    -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME   check only volumes in the library
# Example: tsmmonitor tapeslib
#          tsmmonitor tapeslib 120 115
#          tsmmonitor tapeslib -l=LTOLIB3 120 115
#          tsmmonitor tapeslib -l=LTOLIB3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tapeslib ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 tapeslib; return; }

    local tsm_output num_tapes library
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM libvolumes"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -l=* | --library=* )
            sql="$sql WHERE library_name='$library'"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor tapeslib: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select tapeslib "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of tapes
    num_tapes=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9]/p')

    [ "$num_tapes" -le "${1:-$TAPESLIB_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_tapes" -le "${2:-$TAPESLIB_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho tapeslib "number of tapes in the library $library $num_tapes, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check how many tapes have a specific owner
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: TAPESOWN_WARNING
#    critical.: TAPESOWN_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor tapesown <owner> [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor tapesown tsmsrv01
#          tsmmonitor tapesown tsmsrv01 4 5
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tapesown ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 tapesown; return; }
    local tsm_output num_tapes
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM libvolumes WHERE owner='$1'"

    # User must specify an owner
    if [ ! "$1" ]
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor tapesown: You must specify an owner"
        exit 3

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$2" "$3"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor tapesown: invalid option -- '$2' or '$3'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select tapesown "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of tapes
    num_tapes=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9]/p')

    [ "$num_tapes" -ge "${2:-$TAPESOWN_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_tapes" -ge "${3:-$TAPESOWN_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho tapesown "number of tapes owner by $1 $num_tapes, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check how many volumes are in a specific storage pool
# The default numbers are:
# Usage..: tsmmonitor tapesstgpool <storage_pool_name> [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor tapesstgpool DAILY
#          tsmmonitor tapesstgpool DAILY 30 45
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tapesstgpool ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 tapesstgpool; return; }

    local tsm_output num_tapes
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM volumes WHERE stgpool_name='$1'"
    local status="OK"

    # User must specify a storage pool
    if [ ! "$1" ]
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor tapesstgpool: You must specify a storage pool"
        exit 3

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$2" "$3"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor tapesstgpool: invalid option -- '$2' or '$3'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select tapesstgpool "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of tapes in the storage pool
    num_tapes=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9]/p')

    [ "$num_tapes" -ge "${2:-$TAPESSTGPOOL_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_tapes" -ge "${3:-$TAPESSTGPOOL_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"
    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho tapesstgpool "number of tapes in storage pool $1 $num_tapes, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check how many tsm db backup there are in the last N hours (default is 25h)
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: DBBKP_WARNING
#    critical.: DBBKP_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor dbbkp [options] [warning] [critical]
#    -t, --type=I,F,S       Specifies the type of backup to look for  
#                           Incremental,Full,dbSnapshot (default is full only)
#    -H, --hours=NUM_HOURS  how many hours ago to search for db backup
# Example: tsmmonitor dbbkp
#          tsmmonitor dbbkp 2 1
#          tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12
#          tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12 2 1
#          tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12 -t=S
#          tsmmonitor dbbkp -H=12 -t=F,S 2 1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dbbkp ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 dbbkp; return; }

    local tsm_output num_bkp
    local type=F
    local hours='25'
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM volhistory WHERE "
    local opt_type='F|S|I|F,S|F,I|S,F|S,I|I,F|I,S|F,S,I|F,I,S|S,F,I|S,I,F|I,F,S|I,S,F'

    # parsing options
    while [ "$1" ]
        case "$1" in
            # how many hours ago
            -H=* | --hours=* ) hours="${1#*=}"   ;;
            # type of DB backup to look for
            -t=* | --type=*  ) type="${1#*=}"   ;;
            *                ) break            ;;

    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$hours"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor dbbkp: invalid option $hours"
        exit 3
    # is the type of db backup valid?
    if [ "$(echo $type | egrep -v "^$opt_type")" ]
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor dbbkp: invalid db type '$type'"
        exit 3

    type=$(echo $type | sed "
                         s/,/ OR /g")

    sql="$sql date_time>=current_timestamp-$hours hours AND ( $type )"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor dbbkp: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select dbbkp "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of db backups
    num_bkp=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    [ "$num_bkp" -le "${1:-$DBBKP_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_bkp" -le "${2:-$DBBKP_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho dbbkp "number of tsm db backup in the last ${hours}h $num_bkp, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of nodes sessions
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: NUMSESS_WARNING
#    critical.: NUMSESS_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor numsess [options] [warning] [critical] [session_state]
#   -s, --state=SESSION_STATE   Count only nodes sessions with a specifc state
# Example: tsmmonitor numsess
#          tsmmonitor numsess 100 150
#          tsmmonitor numsess -s=MediaW 5 10
#          tsmmonitor numsess -s=MediaW
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
numsess ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 numsess; return; }

    local tsm_output num_sess sess_state
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM sessions WHERE session_type='Node'"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -s=* | --state=* )
            sql="$sql AND state='$sess_state'"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor numsess: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select numsess "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of nodes sessions
    num_sess=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    [ "$num_sess" -ge "${1:-$NUMSESS_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_sess" -ge "${2:-$NUMSESS_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"
    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho numsess "number of nodes sessions $sess_state $num_sess, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of nodes
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: NUMNODES_WARNING
#    critical.: NUMNODES_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor numnodes [options] [warning] [critical]
#    -d, --domain=DOMAIN  Count nodes only in the DOMAIN
# Example: tsmmonitor numnodes
#          tsmmonitor numnodes 20 30
#          tsmmonitor numnodes -d=SAP 20 30
#          tsmmonitor numnodes -d=SAP
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
numnodes ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 numnodes; return; }

    local tsm_output num_nodes domain
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM nodes"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -d=* | --domain=* )
            sql="$sql WHERE domain_name='$domain'"
            domain="in domain $domain"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor numnodes: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select numnodes "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of nodes
    num_nodes=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    [ "${num_nodes:-0}" -ge "${1:-$NUMNODES_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "${num_nodes:-0}" -ge "${2:-$NUMNODES_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"
    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho numnodes "number of nodes $domain ${num_nodes:-0}, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of nodes locked
# The default numbers are:
# Usage..: tsmmonitor nodeslocked [options] [warning] [critical]
#    -d, --domain=DOMAIN  Count nodes only in the DOMAIN
# Example: tsmmonitor nodeslocked
#          tsmmonitor nodeslocked 2 4
#          tsmmonitor nodeslocked -d=SAP 2 4
#          tsmmonitor nodeslocked -d=SAP
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
nodeslocked ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 nodeslocked; return; }

    local tsm_output num_nodes domain
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM nodes WHERE locked='YES'"

    # options parser
    case "$1" in
        -d=* | --domain=* )
            sql="$sql AND domain_name='$domain'"
            domain="in domain $domain"
    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor numnodes: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select nodeslocked "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of nodes
    num_nodes=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    [ "$num_nodes" -ge "${1:-$NUMNODESLOCKED_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_nodes" -ge "${2:-$NUMNODESLOCKED_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"
    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho nodeslocked "number of nodes locked $domain $num_nodes, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of disk volumes without readwrite access
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: DISKVOL_WARNING
#    critical.: DISKVOL_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor diskvol [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor diskvol
#          tsmmonitor diskvol 2 3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diskvol ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 diskvol; return; }

    local tsm_output num_vol_error
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM volumes WHERE \
            devclass_name='DISK' AND NOT access='READWRITE'"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor diskvol: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select diskvol "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of disk volumes without readwrite
    num_vol_error=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    # Test the diskvol status check
    [ "$num_vol_error" -ge "${1:-$DISKVOL_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_vol_error" -ge "${2:-$DISKVOL_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"
    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho diskvol "number of disk volumes without readwrite access $num_vol_error, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of database volumes not synchronized (copy status)
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: DBVOL_WARNING
#    critical.: DBVOL_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor dbvol [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor dbvol
#          tsmmonitor dbvol 2 3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dbvol ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 dbvol; return; }

    local tsm_output num_vol_error
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM dbvolumes WHERE ( \
        NOT copy1_status='Synchronized' OR
        NOT copy2_status='Synchronized' OR
        NOT copy3_status='Synchronized' )"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor dbvol: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3
    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select dbvol "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of volumes not synchronized
    num_vol_error=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    # Test the dbvol status check
    [ "$num_vol_error" -ge "${1:-$DBVOL_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_vol_error" -ge "${2:-$DBVOL_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho dbvol "number of db volumes not synchronized $num_vol_error, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of log volumes not synchronized (copy status)
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: LOGVOL_WARNING
#    critical.: LOGVOL_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor logvol [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor logvol
#          tsmmonitor logvol 2 3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
logvol ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]&&{ _ShowHelp $0 logvol; return; }

    local tsm_output num_vol_error
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM logvolumes WHERE (
            NOT copy1_status='Synchronized' OR
            NOT copy2_status='Synchronized' OR
            NOT copy3_status='Synchronized' )"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor logvol: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select logvol "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of volumes not synchronized
    num_vol_error=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    # Test de logvol status check
    [ "$num_vol_error" -ge "${1:-$LOGVOL_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_vol_error" -ge "${2:-$LOGVOL_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho logvol "number of log volumes not synchronized $num_vol_error, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Search for a specific ANR in the last N hours (default is 1h)
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: SEARCHANR_WARNING
#    critical.: SEARCHANR_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor searchanr [options] <ANR> [warning] [critical]
#    -H, --hours=NUM_HOURS_AGO   how many hours ago to search for
# Example: tsmmonitor searchanr ANR8446W
#          tsmmonitor searchanr ANR8446W 2 4
#          tsmmonitor searchanr -H=12 ANR8446W
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
searchanr ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 searchanr; return; }

    local tsm_output num_msg
    local status="OK"
    local hours="1"
    # XXX: change to q aclot (faster)
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM actlog WHERE"

    # parsing options
    case "$1" in
        # How many hours ago to search for
        -H=* | --hours=* )
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$hours"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor searchanr: invalid option '$hours'"
        exit 3

    # The user must specify the ANR
    if [ ! "$1" ]
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor searchanr: You must specify a ANR."
        exit 3
    sql="$sql message LIKE'$1%' AND date_time>=current_timestamp-$hours hours"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$2" "$3"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor searchanr: invalid option -- '$2' or '$3'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select searchanr "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of messages
    num_msg=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    [ "$num_msg" -ge "${2:-$SEARCHANR_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_msg" -ge "${3:-$SEARCHANR_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    # Print the script output and exit with the right return code
    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho searchanr "number of messages with $1 in the last ${hours}h $num_msg, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check number of DRM volumes
# The default values are:
#    warning..: DRMVOL_WARNING
#    critical.: DRMVOL_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor drmvol [options] [warning] [critical]
#  -l, --library=LIBRARY_NAME  search volumes only in the library
#  -s, --state=DRM_STATE       DRM state of volumes (default: MOUNTABLE)
#                              VAULT,VAULTRETRIEVE,COURIERRETRIEVE
#  -i, --invert                Invert the sense of matching, to select
#                              non-matching volumes
# Example: tsmmonitor drmvol
#          tsmmonitor drmvol -i -l=3584LIB # DRM volumes with state different from MOUNTABLE in library
#          tsmmonitor drmvol -s=COURIERRETRIEVE
#          tsmmonitor drmvol -s=VAULT -l=3584LIB 1 8
#          tsmmonitor drmvol 2 6
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
drmvol ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 drmvol; return; }

    local tsm_output num_vol library
    local status="OK"
    local state="MOUNTABLE"
    local type_match='='
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM drmedia WHERE"
    local sql_in_lib="AND volume_name IN ( SELECT volume_name FROM libvolumes WHERE"

    # parsing options
    while [ "$1" ]
        case "$1" in
            -s=* | --state=*   ) state="${1#*=}"   ;;
            -l=* | --library=* ) library="${1#*=}" ;;
            -i   | --invert    ) type_match='<>'   ;;
            *                  ) break             ;;

    if [ "$library" ]
        sql="$sql state$type_match'$state' $sql_in_lib library_name='$library' )"
        library="in library $library"
        sql="$sql state$type_match'$state'"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor drmvol: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select drmvol "$sql")" || exit 3

    num_vol=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9]\{1,\}$/p')

    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${1:-$DRMVOL_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_vol" -ge "${2:-$DRMVOL_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    if [ "$type_match" = '=' ]
        _tsmmonitor_tool myecho drmvol \
        "number of DRM volumes with state $state $library $num_vol, $status"
        _tsmmonitor_tool myecho drmvol \
        "number of DRM volumes different from $state $library $num_vol, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check the number of schedules not completed (only today's schedules)
# The default numbers are:
#    warning..: SCHED_WARNING
#    critical.: SCHED_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor sched [options] [warning] [critical]
#     -a, --admin                   only administrative schedules.
#     -s, --schedule=SCHEDULE_NAME  only a specific schedule
# Example: tsmmonitor sched
#          tsmmonitor sched -a
#          tsmmonitor sched -s=DAILY_BKP 4 15
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sched ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 sched; return; }

    local tsm_output num_sched
    local status="OK"
    local sql="SELECT count(*) FROM events WHERE status<>'Completed' AND status<>'Future' AND status<>'Started'"

    # parsing options
    while [ "$1" ]
        case "$1" in
            -a   | --admin      ) sql="$sql AND domain_name IS null"     ;;
            -s=* | --schedule=* ) sql="$sql AND schedule_name='${1#*=}'" ;;
            *                   ) break                                  ;;

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor sched: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select sched "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Number of failed schedules
    num_sched=$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')

    [ "$num_sched" -ge "${1:-$SCHED_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num_sched" -ge "${2:-$SCHED_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho sched "number of schedules not completed $num_sched, $status"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check server license compliance
# Usage..: tsmmonitor lic
# Example: tsmmonitor lic
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lic ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 lic; return; }

    local tsm_output lic_status
    local sql='SELECT compliance FROM licenses'

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select lic "$sql")" || exit 3

    # Get the license status
        echo "$tsm_output" |
            sed -n '
    # Check if status is valid
    if [ "$lic_status" = "Valid" ]
        _tsmmonitor_tool myecho lic "Valid Server License Compliance, OK"
        _tsmmonitor_tool myecho lic "Failed Server License Compliance, Critical"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check false private tapes
# The default percentages are:
#    warning..: FALSEPRIV_WARNING
#    critical.: FALSEPRIV_CRITICAL
# Usage..: tsmmonitor falseprivate [warning] [critical]
# Example: tsmmonitor falseprivate
#          tsmmonitor falseprivate 3 5
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
falseprivate ()
    [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && { _ShowHelp $0 falseprivate; return; }

    local tsm_output num
    local status="OK"
    local sql="select count(*) from libvolumes where status='Private' and \
    last_use is null and volume_name not in (select volume_name from volumes )"

    # Test if the parameters are numbers
    if ! _tsmmonitor_tool is_number "$1" "$2"
        echo "Error: tsmmonitor falseprivate: invalid option -- '$1' or '$2'"
        exit 3

    # Run the select statement
    tsm_output="$(_tsmmonitor_tool run_select falseprivate "$sql")" || exit 3

    num="$(echo "$tsm_output" | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p')"

    # find out the current check status (ok/warning/critical)
    [ "$num" -ge "${1:-$FALSEPRIV_WARNING}"  ] && status="Warning"
    [ "$num" -ge "${2:-$FALSEPRIV_CRITICAL}" ] && status="Critical"

    _tsmmonitor_tool myecho falseprivate "Num false privates $num, $status"

################################### Main #####################################

# parsing global options
while [ "$1" != "" ]
    case "$1" in
        -h   | --help         ) _tsmmonitor_tool program_help     ;;
        -V   | --version      ) _tsmmonitor_tool program_version  ;;
        -s=* | --servername=* ) SERVERNAME="-servername=${1#*=}"  ;;
        -u=* | --user=*       ) USER="${1#*=}"                    ;;
        -p=* | --pass=*       ) PASS="${1#*=}"                    ;;
        -m=* | --mail=*       ) MAILTO="${1#*=}"                  ;;
        -S   | --source       ) SHOW_CHECK_SOURCE=1               ;;
        -d   | --debug        ) DEBUG=1                           ;;
        -q   | --quiet        ) QUIET=1                           ;;
        # probably, $1 has the function (check)
        * )
            # tsm base query command. usually, you do not need to touch here
            TSM_CMD="$DSMADMC $SERVERNAME -tab -id=$USER -password=$PASS"

            _Debug "TSM_CMD = $TSM_CMD"
            _Debug "MAILTO = $MAILTO"

            # is there the function?
            if type $func > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
                # print the function (check) source code only
                [ "$SHOW_CHECK_SOURCE" = "1" ] && _tsmmonitor_tool mysource $func

                # file to record check status
                StatusFile=${func}_$(echo $* | sed 's/ /_/g')

                # execute the check ($func) function
                $func "$@"
                echo "tsmmonitor: check '$func' not found (try --help)"
                exit 1

    # In some sh implementation, if there is no more option we get the error
    # error: shift: bad number
    [ "$2" != "" ] || break


exit 0

# vim: ts=4